Stirrups Lavarone Black/Brown
Stirrups Lavarone Black/Brown
Stirrups Lavarone Black/Brown
Stirrups Lavarone Black/Brown
Stirrups Lavarone Black/Brown in the group Horse Tack / Stirrups at Equinest (121026BABR)


Stirrups Lavarone Black/Brown

BR's high-tech safety stirrups Lavarone offer, in addition to a magnetic safety arch, both a good grip and a promoted leg position. The stirrups are made of galvanized aluminum and reinforced with stainless steel for extra durability.

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Also available in these colors

  • Information
  • BR's high-tech safety stirrups Lavarone offer, in addition to a magnetic safety arch, both a good grip and a promoted leg position. The stirrups are made of galvanized aluminum, with a high-gloss powder-coated surface, and reinforced with stainless steel on the inside for extra durability.

    In the event of a possible fall, the rider's weight will cause the arch's magnetic safety mechanism to open, thus releasing the foot from the stirrup. Once the foot is out of the stirrup, the easily opened arch will close again and return to its standard position.

    In addition, the stirrups' slightly bent stirrup leather attachment ensures a correct foot and stirrup position that promotes both your balance and stability as well as your leg position.

    The stirrups, whose material is highly durable and of good quality, come in a sleek, black color with a brown arch. The right stirrup is marked with R and the left one is marked with L. Sold in pairs.

    • Opening arm that triggers in case of a fall
    • Flat with good grip
    • Slightly bent stirrup leather attachment that promotes a good leg position
    • Durable material
    • Reinforced with stainless steel
    • High-gloss finish

    Galvanized aluminum, stainless steel

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