Eclipse Biofarmab Kiselgur Forte is a 100% pure and organic silicon dioxide powder sourced from Scandinavia. The product serves as a natural and effective source of silicon, a mineral essential for the health and well-being of horses. Kiselgur Forte is used as a supplement to strengthen hooves, coat, and connective tissue. It is particularly beneficial during training and competitions when the horse's need for silicon increases.
Silicon plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of strong bones and joints. It contributes to the hardness and density of the skeleton while simultaneously strengthening the connective tissue, which is crucial for joints, tendons, and ligaments. This makes the product particularly valuable for sport horses that are subjected to regular physical exertion.
Pony: 0.5 measuring scoop/day
Horse: 1 measuring scoop/day
Large horse (over 600kg): 1.5 measuring scoops/day
Mix well with concentrated feed.
1 measuring scoop = 3 g, providing 1.25 g of silicon.
500g = 166 daily servings at 3 g/day.
Pure diatomaceous earth.
Analytical components
Silicon 35%, calcium 1%, sodium 0.3%, phosphorus 0%.
Shelf life
60 months, see best before date.